Getting TLS certificates for internal HTTPs websites

If you have a website that’s only accessible on a non-public network, it can be challenging to know how to setup HTTPs with a TLS certificate. There are numerous guides online on creating a self-signed certificate. However, using a self-signed certificate means you either have to configure each device/browser that will need to accept that certificate to trust that certificate or you will need to click past a browser HTTPs certificate warning page every time you visit that internal website.

Ideally we’d use a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt that is already trusted by devices and browsers without any additional work.

I had struggled to find an answer to this problem for a few years. So I had been using self-signed certificates. However, I recently found the answer I was seeking and it turned out to be very simple and straight forward to implement.

Let’s Encrypt uses “challenges” to issue certificates. There are numerous challenge types, but the DNS challenge is the one that’s relevant in the case of an internal website. Of course, this assumes your DNS records are public. If you’ve got a non-public DNS server, then this guide isn’t going to help you in that case.

The idea is simple: add a few entries to the DNS record for your domain, wait for the DNS changes to propagate, and run the Let’s Encrypt client to request a new certificate using the DNS challenge option.

Doing this manually is possible, but there is a great tool that makes it even easier: lego.

The best place to start would be the official docs: Obtain a Certificate.

As an example, here’s what I used to perform the DNS challenge on a (wildcard) domain I use for internal websites. Here, NameSilo, is my DNS provider, so I’m using the NameSilo specific environment variables and options. You will need to consult the documentation to find your DNS provider’s specific environment variables.

$ export NAMESILO_API_KEY=...
$ export NAMESILO_POLLING_INTERVAL=10 # seconds
$ export NAMESILO_PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT=1800 # seconds
$ export NAMESILO_TTL=3600 # seconds
$ lego --email --dns namesilo --domains * run

NameSilo is very slowly to publish and propagate the changes. Other DNS providers may be faster, so you may be able to use a smaller propagation timeout value.

Manual Approach

Above I described the automated approach using lego. However, you can do the steps manually.

First setup a Python virtual environment and install Certbot. Note these instructions are for a Unix shell (sh/bash), Windows may have different steps. You can choose to skip a virtual environment, but I like to avoid pip installing things globally.

$ python3 -m venv venv # create a virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate # active the virtual environment
$ pip install certbot

Then run certbot,

$ certbot certonly \
    --manual \
    --preferred-challenges dns \
    --config-dir config \
    --logs-dir logs/ \
    --work-dir .

Then certbot will interactively ask for domains and tell you to add a TXT DNS record. Once you’ve updated the DNS record, wait for propagation and verify the DNS record with a tool like dig,

$ dig -t txt

Once you know the DNS record is propogated, you can press enter and certbot will output the certificate files.
